About Us
We are so pleased that you've stopped by to find out more about who we are. Our main purpose of Charleston WV SHRM is to connect and learn. We connect with other like-minded professionals by bouncing ideas off one another, sharing experiences, and often times laughing to help us get through the day! We learn through local experts on all topics in Human Resources Management. Most of our presentations are also eligible for re-certification credits through National SHRM and HRCI. Charleston WV SHRM is pleased to advertise local HR jobs that may be a good fit for our chapter members and friends.
You don't have to be a member of SHRM or Charleston WV SHRM to join us. We tailor our meetings to fit all types of HR and Business Professionals in the Charleston WV Area.
Join us at our monthly lunch meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, just let us know you're coming by reaching out to charlestonwvshrm@gmail.com If you are interested in a pro-bono presentation at one of our chapter meetings, please reach out via email and share your best ideas!
Human Resources is an interesting, necessary, and quickly growing field. We are so thankful to have the resource of Charleston WV SHRM to help guide us through this challenging profession!
Keeping the Human in Human Resources,
Tracy Ward Bess, SHRM-CP
President, Charleston WV SHRM
The purpose of our Chapter is to provide opportunities for conferences, cooperative research and exchange of information among members and to serve the professional and advance the profession in all phases of Human Resources Management.
We offer a wide range of educational and networking opportunities for HR professionals and those who provide services to support the HR professionals in the greater Charleston area. Whether you are new to the HR profession or have been practicing in the field for years, we invite you to our Chapter meetings.
To join or become active in our Chapter, or to be added to our e-mail list, please e-mail charlestonwvshrm@gmail.com or one of our officers (see link to current officers on the left of this page).
Click here to view our Legislative Updates page.
Click here to view our HR Related News & Events page.