Charleston WV SHRM Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston SHRM Chapter |
Location: | WV Appalachian Power Park Suddenlink Legends Club 601 Morris Street Charleston, WV 304-344-2287 |
Price: | $15 Members $20 Non-Members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | May 8, 2013 - 11:00am to 1:15pm |
We invite you to attend our upcoming Charleston Chapter meeting at the Ballpark!
Charleston SHRM Chapter Luncheon Program Meeting, in conjunction with the WV Power vs Greenville Drive Baseball Game.
Program Speaker will be Chuck Stump - The Performance Group, Inc.
Program Topic: Communication
Look for the SHRM reservation table at the Box Office location to check in for the luncheon meeting and pick up your game tickets. You will be directed to the meeting space from there.
Charleston SHRM Chapter Meeting - April 2013
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston West Virginia SHRM Chapter |
Location: | Columbia Gas Transmissin Auditorium 1700 MacCorkle Avenue, SE, Charleston WV 25314 Free parking available |
Price: | $15 Members/$20 Non-Members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | April 10, 2013 - 11:00am to 1:15pm |
Program Speaker - Jeremiah Samples, Director of Health Policy, WV Offices of the Insurance Commissioner, Charleston, WV
Program Topic: Overview of Health Insurance Reform and WV Marketplace
Business4Breakfast: What is Reasonable Accommodation?
Date: | |
Organizer: | Huddleston Bolen LLP |
Location: | Huddleston Bolen’s Charleston, WV Office 13th Floor, Chase Tower 606 Virginia Street East, Charleston |
Price: | FREE - Includes Breakfast |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | April 27, 2012 - 7:45am to 8:45am |
Speaker: Kevin Nelson, Partner | Huddleston Bolen LLP
Parking: Parking is available in the Chase Tower underground parking garage, accessible via Summers Street. We will be happy to validate Chase garage parking.
Please visit Huddleston Bolen's web site for registration information.
Business4Breakfast QuickFire: 1 hour, 3 experts with 5 tips to improve your business in 2012
Date: | |
Organizer: | Huddleston Bolen LLP |
Location: | Huddleston Bolen’s Charleston, WV Office 13th Floor, Chase Tower 606 Virginia Street East, Charleston |
Price: | FREE - Includes Breakfast |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | February 24, 2012 - 7:45am to 8:45am |
Speaker: Ashley French, Partner, Huddleston Bolen LLP; Crystal Good, Director of Brand Experience, Mythology Marketing; and Joetta Kuhn, CPA
Parking: Parking is available in the Chase Tower underground parking garage, accessible via Summers Street. We will be happy to validate Chase garage parking.
Please visit Huddleston Bolen's web site for registration information.
HR Day at the Legislature
Date: | |
Organizer: | WV SHRM State Council |
Location: | Charleston YWCA |
Price: | None |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | February 1, 2012 - 8:45am to 2:00pm |
WV SHRM State Council's HR Day at the Legislature
Meet at YWCA - Charleston at 8:45AM for training session by Bob Carragher, SHRM’s Senior State Affairs Advisor, who will provide a 60-minute presentation on “SHRM Advocacy Team." Those who cannot be at the YWCA may meet the group in the lower rotunda of the Capitol at 10:30 in the SHRM Chapter/State Council display area.
Pre-approved for 1 hr. HRCI Strategic Credit
Charleston WV SHRM - Monthly Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston WV SHRM |
Location: | 1114 Quarrier St, Charleston – YWCA 1st floor conference room - FREE Parking |
Price: | $15 Members - $20 Non-members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | January 9, 2013 - 11:30am to 1:00pm |
A presentation by US Department of Labor, OSHA, representative regarding "OSHA Overview." More details will be provided at a later date.
*This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.
Charleston WV SHRM - Monthly Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston WV SHRM |
Location: | 1114 Quarrier St, Charleston – YWCA 1st floor conference room - FREE Parking |
Price: | $15 Members - $20 Non-members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | April 11, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm |
Charleston WV SHRM - Monthly Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston WV SHRM |
Location: | 1114 Quarrier St, Charleston – YWCA 1st floor conference room - FREE Parking |
Price: | $15 Members - $20 Non-members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | March 14, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm |
ERISA and Fiduciary Responsibilites for HR Managers
- Mychal Schulz with Dinsmore & Shohl
*This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.
Charleston WV SHRM - Monthly Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston WV SHRM |
Location: | 1114 Quarrier St, Charleston – YWCA 1st floor conference room - FREE Parking |
Price: | $15 Members - $20 Non-members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | February 8, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm |
Program: Performance Management: It’s About Relationships.
Terri McCormick will share strategies for influencing leaders in your organization to create a new paradigm for managing employee performance. She will share tips that will lead to higher productivity and greater employee engagement.
Charleston WV SHRM - Monthly Chapter Meeting
Date: | |
Organizer: | Charleston WV SHRM |
Location: | 1114 Quarrier St, Charleston – YWCA 1st floor conference room - FREE Parking |
Price: | $15 Members - $20 Non-members |
Event Type: | Event Type: |
iCal link | January 11, 2012 - 11:30am to 1:00pm |
Understanding and Improving Financial Wellness for your employees.
- Eric Clarke, Fifth Third Bank
Session will explain the COMPLIMENTARY employee sessions available including: Savings & Budgeting; Reducing Everyday Expense; Understanding and Improving Your Credit; and First Time Home Buyer Seminar.
*This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.